
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hooooo Loves Ya Baby?

I'm so proud of myself.  I have fallen in love with applique cuz there is just sooooo much you can do with it!!  I made this's super cute and I just adore it.  It is my own tracing involved...I drew everything myself.  The only thing I copied was that I went to google and looked to see how to make the owl, but I didn't trace anything - I just did my own design based on various ones I saw that I liked.  :)  I think it turned out pretty well!  There are a few changes I would make but not that many honestly!  I love owls, and this is my husband and I as owls in looooove.  :)  Oh and it's a plain green table runner that I found at a thrift store and just added all the applique to it.  I would use it as a runner but I know my kids and/or cats would destroy it and it would just break my heart, so I am hanging it safely on the wall in my sewing room lol.

ETA:  I am going to be doing a tutorial on how to do applique very soon.  I am having problems with my digital camera so its a real pain in the butt to get pictures off my camera at the moment.  Took me about 30 minutes just to get these ones.  *sigh*  So as soon as I remedy that problem, I will be posting a couple of tutorials on things I have learned lately.  I'd really like to do a video tutorial at some point but for now it'll just be pictures.

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